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Weigh Your Words + Sunday Morning Resources

TCC • May 24, 2024

Thank you again to everyone who turned out for Serve Our Community last weekend. It was such a joy to see so many of you tangibly loving our community and being the church. Remember that today is our monthly Food Donation Friday. So, if you have shelf-stable food that you’d be willing to donate to help needy families in our community, you can drop them off at the church from 8:00-10:30am today. 

This weekend, we continue our study through the Sermon on the Mount and Jesus is going to turn His attention from our relationships to our words. As we will see, there is no room for manipulative language in the Kingdom of God, and as citizens of His Kingdom, we will need to weigh our words carefully. 

Here are some helpful resources to get you ready for the weekend:


See you Sunday.

New Paragraph

By TCC 14 Jun, 2024
Today is our final day of VBS and what a week it has been. Over the last five days, our Children’s Ministry team and over 100 volunteers have been able to share the Good News of Jesus to over 250 grade schoolers, many of whom don’t belong to any church at all. Some have even made a first-time decision to follow Jesus as their Savior and Lord. This Sunday is Father’s Day, and we’re going to celebrate our earthly fathers and our heavenly Father as well. We will explore why some of us struggle to rest securely in the love God has lavished on us. This is also a baptism Sunday, so we will also get to celebrate with many of our new brothers and sisters in Christ as they go public with their faith through baptism. You won’t want to miss it. If you would like to get baptized, just show up a half-hour before the service and meet us by the baptismal pool in the sanctuary for a brief orientation. I can’t wait to celebrate with you! Here are some helpful resources to get you ready for the weekend: Message Notes and Study Guide Weekly Spotify Playlist Children's Ministry Student Ministry See you Sunday.
By TCC 07 Jun, 2024
Ready or not, summer has arrived, and things are heating up. Next week is VBS and if you’re looking for a way to serve this summer, there is no better way to invest your time. Plus, the church has air conditioning. Just saying.  This Sunday, we continue our study through the Sermon on the Mount and Jesus is going to continue to challenge the ways we socially interact with one another. It’s natural to love those who love you and hate those who hate you, but Jesus has some surprising counsel for how to deal with those we might consider enemies. Here are some helpful resources to get you ready for the weekend: Message Notes and Study Guide Weekly Spotify Playlist Children's Ministry Student Ministry See you Sunday.
By TCC 31 May, 2024
As we continue our journey through the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus keeps challenging areas where it’s easy to reflect the values of this world rather than the values of the Kingdom of God. Last week, He addressed the ways we use our words, calling us to be people of our word who don’t need to resort to manipulative practices to lend weight to our words. This week, Jesus will switch the focus to how we respond when people use words or actions in an offensive manner. Rather than retaliating in an effort to save face, Jesus will call us to lay down our right to be offended so that we can respond redemptively. In our current cultural climate, this is a message we all need to hear. Here are some helpful resources to get you ready for the weekend: Message Notes and Study Guide Weekly Spotify Playlist Children's Ministry Student Ministry See you Sunday.
By TCC 17 May, 2024
Tomorrow is Serve Our Community . The weather looks to be beautiful, and we have lots of projects around our county that you can participate in. If you have not yet signed up for a project, click here to see where we need help. Then bring water and some work gloves and come prepared to be the church. If you have any questions, you can also contact Kathy Arnoldi at Speaking of serving, last Sunday was such a joy, both to celebrate our moms as well as to dedicate our young families to the wonderful and weighty task of raising their children in the Lord. Even if we don’t have young children in the home, we can still play a part in shaping the next generation. There is no greater investment that we can make into the future of our church than to invest ourselves in these children’s lives. So, if you’re interested in serving, please email Pastor Bobby at This weekend, we return to our study through the Sermon on the Mount and we find ourselves confronted by yet another heavy topic — divorce. And yet, as with all the other topics we’ve examined so far, what Jesus has to say isn’t intended to cast shame or condemn us. Rather, His teaching is intended to bring freedom and redeem God’s intent for marriage from the mockery it had become. Whether you’re married, single, or divorced, this message is for you and it’s my prayer that it will be life giving. As Pastor Mark told me after reading my message notes, “I’ve gone from dreading this conversation to looking forward to it.” I echo his sentiment. Here are some helpful resources to get you ready for the weekend: Message Notes and Study Guide Weekly Spotify Playlist Children's Ministry Student Ministry See you Sunday.
By TCC 10 May, 2024
This Sunday is Mother’s Day, so we are going to take a break from our Sermon on the Mount series to celebrate moms and dedicate our families to the incredibly important task of raising children in the Lord. When it comes to raising children who walk with Jesus, it takes dedication. That’s why we don’t just dedicate our children to the Lord, but the entire family. After all, more is caught than taught and our kids will be shaped more by what they see than by what we say. So, if you are raising a child or grandchild and long to see them fall deeply in love with Jesus, consider dedicating your family in either the 9:00am or 11:00am service. Email Bobby if you have questions, or to let us know in which service you plan to participate. Even if you don’t currently have children in the house, you still have a part to play in raising up the next generation, so come prepared to celebrate and to participate. Here are some helpful resources to get you ready for the weekend: Message Notes and Study Guide Weekly Spotify Playlist Children's Ministry Student Ministry See you Sunday.
By Deborah Conrad 03 May, 2024
Good morning. Due to the rain forecast for tomorrow, we are postponing Serve Our Community until Saturday, May 18. If you have any questions or concerns, or if you have an idea for a service project, please email Kathy . This Sunday, we continue our journey through the Sermon on the Mount, and if you thought Jesus got personal last week, wait until this weekend. While the next few conversations are going to be uncomfortable, they are incredibly necessary, and we avoid them to our own detriment. I do want to let you know that this weekend’s message will be dealing with some adult topics, so please use your discretion with bringing young children into the service. That said, I would strongly encourage students from Jr. High up to join us, as this conversation will speak to areas that they absolutely need to know about. Here are some helpful resources to get you ready for the weekend: Message Notes and Study Guide Weekly Spotify Playlist Children's Ministry Student Ministry Now go be the church.
By TCC 26 Apr, 2024
Good morning. I hope your week is going well. I just want to remind you that our Food Drive is happening this morning from 8-10:30 and our Father/Daughter Dance and Mother/Son Nerf War is happening this evening. Additionally, this is your last weekend to sign up for the Serve Day on Saturday, May 4. Click here to sign up now. As for Sunday, I love the ways Jesus’ words – delivered on a hillside overlooking the Sea of Galilee 2,000 years ago – speak right to the heart of our lives here and now. Last weekend, we examined the ways in which we, as citizens of the Kingdom of God, are called to live as salt and light, preserving and radiating the light of God’s love into our society. This week, we get to the meat of Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount. In the passage we unpack this weekend, Jesus will redefine our understanding of what makes someone righteous and call us to extinguish the embers of anger and contempt before they burst into a bonfire of hatred. It’s going to be an important conversation that is relevant to every single one of us. Here are some helpful resources to get you ready for the weekend: Message Notes and Study Guide Weekly Spotify Playlist Children's Ministry Student Ministry I’m grateful to be on this journey with you.
By TCC 12 Apr, 2024
Last Sunday was incredible. We got to watch as 49 of our new brothers and sisters in the Lord went public with their decision to follow Jesus by getting baptized. I’ve never seen anything quite like what we witnessed on Sunday, and I am still rejoicing about what God is doing in our church community. To put this in perspective, we have baptized 110 people in the last four months, which equates to about a tenth of our church. All I can say is, THANK YOU JESUS! Last Sunday, we also kicked off our spring series, Kingdom Come , by simply reading the Sermon on the Mount. My guess is that each of us had a few “ouch” moments when Jesus’ words directly confronted areas of our lives. And yet, Jesus is not prodding at those weak spots because He wants to make us feel shameful, but because He wants us to be free. His words are lovingly confrontational, and we disregard them at our own peril. This Sunday, we will begin our line-by-line study through the Sermon on the Mount by examining the Beatitudes and considering the sort of Kingdom Jesus came to inaugurate. It’s a conversation that is incredibly relevant to each of us, because if we choose to follow Jesus, then we’re choosing to become a citizen of the Kingdom of God, and it would be helpful for us to consider how that impacts our lives. Here are some helpful resources to get you ready for the weekend: Message Notes and Study Guide Weekly Spotify Playlist Children's Ministry Student Ministry I’m grateful to be on this journey with you.
By TCC 05 Apr, 2024
I loved getting to celebrate Easter with you. From our first annual Good Friday service, through the Easter Egg Hunt and culminating with three Easter Sunday services, it was an incredibly powerful weekend. We even had 14 people make first-time professions of faith! Easter may be over, but the fun is just beginning. This weekend, we are starting our new series, Kingdom Come , in which we will walk line-by-line through the Sermon on the Mount. As we will find, although Jesus delivered the most famous sermon ever preached 2,000 years ago, it is still incredibly relevant and reliable for us as we navigate life in these crazy times. This is also a baptism Sunday, and we have a lot of new believers who are going public with their faith. Baptism Sundays have become my favorite Sundays, so it’s one day you won’t want to miss. Here are some helpful resources to get you ready for the weekend: Message Notes and Study Guide Weekly Spotify Playlist Children's Ministry Student Ministry I’m grateful to be on this journey with you.
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